Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Delivering cancer clinical trials to as many people as possible, as close to home as possible: Icon’s Remote Access to Clinical Trials (ReACT) Program (#232)

Adam Stoneley 1 , Fiona Jonker 1
  1. Icon Cancer Foundation, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

To progress the uptake of clinical trials at the 19 out of 28 Icon sites where there is limited or no research capabilities, Icon have commenced as of June 2018, the Remote Access to Clinical Trials (ReACT) program. This program is an incorporation of the ideology and widespread acceptance of the COSA’s Australasian Tele-Trial Model into the historical service delivery model that Icon developed in 2015.

The priorities of the program are to determine the research culture at Icon sites, identify deficits required for the conduct of clinical trials and facilitate the centralised support for conduct of clinical trials where there is limited research infrastructure and training. Services that the central team can provide to remote sites include investigator support via dedicated telemedicine resources; provision of mandatory training to site staff; ongoing protocol education of non-investigator staff; compliance with existing research vendors for supply of non-site services; remuneration of protocol requirements above standard practice; and achievement of trial participation rates commensurate with performance indicators.

Icon aims to have all Icon sites where there are research interests undertaking clinical trials so that the local population can benefit from clinical trial participation. Icon aims to engender participation in research across Icon sites so that all sites embrace a culture where not only the patients benefit from participation in trials but also the greater body of heath knowledge. Lastly Icon is an ardent supporter and advocate of the COSA’s Australasian Tele-Trial Model and is looking forward to assisting and providing support from our lessons learnt under this program and learn from their model to improve patient outcomes nationally.