Oncology/Haematology 24 Hour Triage Rapid Assessment and Access Tool Kit – Aussie Style Nationally! |
Introduction: Promotion, introduction, implementation of a triage tool for patients undergoing antineoplastic therapy experiencing adverse events to be hosted by a nationally recognised platform.
Aim: · Improve quality and safety · Standardise care delivery · Provide an assessment tool/process · Provide competency training · Introduce Activity Based Funding · Provide SMART goal outcomes
Method: Adoption of the United Kingdom Oncology Nursing Society 24 hour Rapid Assessment and Access Tool Kit copyright program. A working party comprised of medical oncologist, senior nursing clinicians and pharmacy leads have reviewed the tool and requested permission to alter language and practice points ensuring relevancy for Australian patients and clinicians. The tool kit comprises of an alert card, tool kit manual, log sheet, assessment tool and competency framework. The assessment tool prompts the clinician with appropriate questions to gain relevant information from the patient to enable fast and efficacious assessment based on the WHO toxicity grading and The NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events.
Level of urgency for presenting symptoms are graded utilising a traffic light guide; · red - patient strongly encouraged to present to hospital immediately, · two or more amber toxicities are escalated to red, · single amber toxicities are followed up in 24 hours with patient instructed to call back should condition deteriorate, · green - instructed to call back if problems continue or condition deteriorates.
Result: An Australian version of the UK tool. Two Australian organisations have implemented this tool with much success. Walk-ins, re-presentations have reduced. Patients report an added level of confidence in their care.
Conclusion: The Australian version of the Oncology/Haematology 24 Hour Triage Rapid Assessment and Access Tool Kit will be available in 2018.