The nutritional needs of patients with stomas depend on the type of ostomy formed, the length of remaining bowel, and the time elapsed since surgery. Interventions from an Accredited Practicing Dietitian can optimise the overall management of patients with stomas. Appropriate dietary advice may prevent complications such as bowel obstructions and dehydration in ileostomates, and constipation in colostomates. Furthermore, the quality of life of patients with stomas has the potential to be improved through dietary adjustments to manage the consistency of stoma output, and wind and odours from the stoma. More broadly, this nutritionally at risk group can benefit from the advice of a Dietitian to prevent and manage malnutrition and to meet their elevated energy and protein needs postoperatively for optimal wound healing. This presentation will provide an overview of the unique nutritional considerations relating to colostomies and ileostomies in oncology patients from the perspective of a clinical dietitian.