Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Outcomes of patients going through trials at a phase 1 clinical trials unit (#75)

Mihitha Ariyapperuma 1 , Zelda Herbst 2 , Annette Lim 1 , Tarek Meniawy 1 , Michael Millward 1
  1. Medical Oncology, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands , WA, Australia
  2. Linear Clinical Research, Nedlands, WA, Australia


Patients with advanced cancer are becoming increasingly interested in clinical trials. Phase 1 trials gives a chance for the patients to receive promising new treatments and open up options in patient management. Identifying correct patients for phase 1 trials is important while maintaining realistic expectations.

We present outcomes of patients gone through clinical trials at various stages in their treatment.



We studied 206 patients treated at a phase 1 trials unit (Linear) Western Australia from 28th April 2011 to June 2017. Patients were referred from various sites in Western Australia and included a wide variety of cancers.

Using electronic data and medical records at Linear clinical research, we have analysed, cancer types, performance status at the time of study entry, duration on treatment and response to treatment.  




During the period of 6 years from April 2011 to June 2017 we have identified 206. Studied patient group included diffuse variety of malignancies. Common cancer groups included ovarian cancer followed by colorectal and lung cancers. 39% of patient had a ECOG status of 0 at the time of study entry rest had an ECOG of 1.

With regard to response to treatment, 1.4% achieved complete response, 13% had partial response and 36% achieved stable disease.

46% of patients did not respond to treatment given.

Average duration of patients staying in clinical trials is 4 months.

Most patients have gone through multiple lines of treatment before being reviewed for clinical trials.

There are 29 patients who responded for at least 6 months. At least 67 patients in the group studied went on to have further treatment in various forms.

More detailed analysis will be presented following further analysis.



Data shows phase 1 clinical trials as an acceptable treatment option for patients undergoing cancer treatment. Thought should be given to involve patients in clinical trials earlier to identify group of patients who would benefit from treatment.