Over the past two years, over 40 oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, genomic scientists and computational biologists from all of the cancer focused medical research institutes, hospitals and universities in Western Australia have come together to form the Western Australian cancer single consortium. Together we aim to apply single cell profiling and pipelined bioinformatic analyses across a broad range of tumours to tackle four cancer themes: i) Tumour – stroma interactions, ii) Heterogeneity and resistance to therapy, iii) Relationships between primary, metastasis and circulating tumour cells, and iv) Biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, response and resistance. For hundreds of tumour samples we will generate thousands of single cell profiles. To date, using 10x genomics chromium 3’ libraries we have generated pilot scale single cell profiles of over 200,000 cells (from human oral squamous cell carcinomas, ovarian cancers, mesotheliomas, NSCLC, pre-B ALL, MDS, and preclinical therapeutic mouse models of pancreatic cancer, mesothelioma and breast cancer). I will present an overview of the project and some of our preliminary analyses. This program of research has been made possible by a collaborative cancer research grant “Enabling advanced single-cell cancer genomics in Western Australia” provided by the Cancer Research Trust (www.cancerresearchtrust.org.au) .