Joan Thomas Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Joan Thomas

Joan Thomas has been the Nurse Unit Manager Oncology & Research at Peninsula Health for the past three and a half years since arriving in Australia four years ago. She has worked in cancer care all of her professional career for the past 27 years and as the Lead Chemotherapy Nurse for cancer services and an independent nurse prescriber in the UK has been a lead role in the accreditation and development of cancer services. She was part of the Greater Midlands cancer network team in the UK that developed the Oncology / Haematology Patient Care Plan and the Oncology / Haematology 24 Hour Triage Rapid Assessment and Access Tool Kit. Joan is passionate in women’s health and is the lead inventor of a medical device for women’s health that was founded in her master’s thesis “Pelvic radiotherapy – Are there consequences for women”

Abstracts this author is presenting: